

Anti-Harassment/Bullying Investigation Procedures

Individuals who feel that they have been harassed should:

Complaint Procedures

An individual who believes that they have been harassed or bullied will notify any school staff member. The school staff member will provide immediate assistance if necessary and will notify any Guidance Counselor or Administrator, the designated investigator. The alternate investigator is a Guidance Counselor or Administrator from another building. The investigator may request that the individual provide additional information included in the Harassment/Bullying/Hazing Complaint form or other district developed documentation may be used in lieu of this form so long as all pertinent information is included. The investigator may request the individual turn over evidence of the harassment, including, but not limited to, letters, tapes, or pictures. The complainant’s parent/guardian shall be given a written or verbal notice of complaint. Information received during the investigation is kept confidential to the extent possible.

The investigator, with the approval of the principal, or the principal, has the authority to initiate an investigation in the absence of a written complaint.

Investigation Procedures

The investigator will reasonably and promptly investigate upon receipt of the complaint. The investigator will interview the complainant and the alleged harasser. The alleged harasser may file a written statement in response to the complaint. The investigator may also interview witnesses as deemed appropriate. Sample documentation forms are included in this policy, but other district developed documentation may be used in lieu of this form so long as all pertinent information is included.

Upon completion of the investigation, the investigator will make written findings and conclusions as to each allegation of harassment and report the findings and conclusions to the principal. The investigator will provide a copy of the findings of the investigation to the principal.

Resolution of the Complaint

Following receipt of the investigator’s report, another principal may investigate further, if deemed necessary, and make a determination of any appropriate additional steps which may include discipline.

Prior to the determination of the appropriate remedial action, another principal may, at the principal’s discretion, interview the complainant and the alleged harasser. The principal will file a written report closing the case and documenting any disciplinary action taken or any other action taken in response to the complaint. The complainant, the alleged harasser and the investigator will receive notice as to the conclusion of the investigation. The principal will maintain a log of information necessary to comply with Iowa Department of Education reporting procedures and will ensure that state reporting requirements are fulfilled.

Points to Remember in the Investigation


If the investigator is a witness to the incident, the alternate investigator may investigate.

Anti-Bullying/Harassment Complaint Form (PDF)

West Delaware Vision


Multiple individuals at all levels demonstrate respect, trust, and integrity while working interdependently toward our goals.

Strategic Objectives

  • By supporting and teaching positive student behavior
  • By supporting and teaching appropriate social interactions
  • By enhancing adult to adult connections and communications

Challenging Academics

Educators use effective instructional practices to actively engage students in diverse learning opportunities that require critical thinking and problem solving in real world contexts.

Strategic Objectives

  • By deepening knowledge of instructional strategies
  • By intensifying active student engagement in rigorous and relevant content learning
  • By strengthening systems of teacher to teacher support, including Professional Learning Community, teacher leadership system, and multi-tiered systems of support

21st Century Skills

Students will acquire competencies necessary for 21st century living by developing skills in the areas of civic life, health, finance, technology and career readiness.

Strategic Objectives

  • By creating learning experiences in a real world context
  • By developing and applying career readiness skills