Reminder: Students should not return to school until they are free of a fever, vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours. If your student is seen by a physician and started on antibiotics, they should not return until 24 hours from their first dose of medication.
Iowa House File 906 which was passed by the 2007 legislature and is effective July 1, 2008, requires all children entering elementary (K) and High school (9th grade)and Out of State transfer students to have a dental screening. The purpose of the dental screening requirement is to improve the oral health of Iowa's children. Dental screenings will facilitate early detection and referral for treatment of dental disease; reduce the incidence, impact and cost of dental disease; inform parents and guardians of their children's dental problems; encourage the establishment of effective oral health practices early in life; promote importance of oral health as an integral component of preparation for school nursing and learning and contribute to statewide surveillance of oral health.
Kindergarten requirements: The certificate of dental screening form must be completed by a dentist, dental hygienist, physician, physician assistant or nurse. A screening completed between the ages of 3-6 years of age is acceptable. If your student has had a screening during this time frame, take the form back to your provider for their signature and return the form to school.
9th grade/Out of state transfers requirements: The certificate of dental screening form must be completed by a dentist or dental hygienist only. A screening completed within one year prior to enrollment to 9th grade is acceptable. If your student has had a screening during this time frame, take the form back to your provider for their signature and return the form to school.
If you cannot find a dentist or can't afford one, please contact Jacque Roseliep, I Smile Coordinator for Delaware County at the VNA at (563) 556-6200 or (800) 862-6133 with any questions or concerns.
Certificate of Dental Screening Form (PDF Document)All incoming students are required to have proof of immunization turned into the school office prior to first day of school. According to Public Health/Iowa Administrative Code section 641-7.5 (139A) Proof of Immunization, all applicants, or their parents or guardians shall submit a valid Iowa Department of Public Health certificate of immunization to the admitting official of the school or licensed child care center in which the applicant wishes to enroll. Applicants not presenting proper evidence of immunization, or exemption, are not entitled to enrollment in a licensed child-care center or elementary or secondary school under the provisions of Iowa Code section 139A.9.
Immunization requirements for Preschool and Junior Kindergarten students:All medication must be in the prescription container that has been filled by a pharmacist. It maybe necessary to obtain an extra container from the pharmacist, since only the amount needed is to be sent to school. The parent or guardian must sign a permission form to have the prescribed medication dispensed to their child according to the specific written directions of the prescribing health provider. All medication will be dispensed by the nurse or authorized office personnel who have met the qualifications by taking the medication administration course as stated in chapter 204 of the Code of Iowa.
A parent or guardian of a child who is to be enrolled in a public or accredited nonpublic elementary school shall ensure the child is screened for vision impairment at least once before enrollment in Kindergarten AND again before enrollment in the 3rd grade. To be valid, a minimum of one child vision screening shall be performed no earlier than one year prior to the date of enrollment in Kindergarten and no later than six months after the date of the child's enrollment in Kindergarten. Please return the form to school before the first day of enrollment.
The Iowa Legislature passed Senate File 2251 - the Student Eye Care Act that went into effect starting the 2015-2016 school year. This law requires schools to place the Student Vision Card in ALL pre-school and kindergarten round-up packets. This card is produced and distributed by the Iowa Optometric Association and approved by the Iowa Department of Education.
The Card states, "As a part of your back to school preparations, it is recommended that you take your child and this card to your family eye doctor for a complete eye health examination." While it is not required that the child receive a comprehensive eye exam, this is a big step in educating parents on the importance of healthy eyes as it relates to their child's ability to learn. Having good vision means much more than the ability to read 20/20 letters on an eye chart. To fully assess the health of your child's visual system and to reduce the risk of future learning problems, regular professional eye examinations are recommended.
Vision Screening Guidelines (PDF Document)Does your child need health insurance? HAWK - I is a low cost, or free, health care coverage for children of many working families in Iowa. HAWK-I insurance covers doctor visits, hospital care, surgery, shots, inpatient/outpatient services, hospital services, mental health services, emergency care, substance abuse services, hearing screenings, prescriptions, dental visits, vision and eyeglasses.
For more information please call 1-800-257-8563 or visit
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