The high school will again be scheduling parent teacher conferences online! Our conference system is again offering a way to conference virtually this year, so we are giving a choice to families when you make your conference. After you select your time it will ask if you would like that to do a video or face-to-face conference.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 19th from 3:30pm until 6:30pm.
Starting Wednesday February 12th, at 3:00 p.m. you will be able to log on to our school scheduling site and select a time to meet with your student’s teacher. The instructions below outline the process to follow.
You will receive an email, to the address listed in the system when you were scheduling, before Parent/Teacher Conferences containing the video links. We also highly suggest you re-log into the Scheduler to access the video conference links at the time of the conference. At the scheduled time you can click on the link and it will bring up the conference. You may need to allow the camera and microphone on your device. It should also work on a cell phone.
If you have any questions or do not have Internet access, please contact the school office at 563-927-3515 ext. 3 for help in scheduling your child’s conference.
We are looking forward to seeing you at Parent/Teacher Conferences!
Multiple individuals at all levels demonstrate respect, trust, and integrity while working interdependently toward our goals.
Educators use effective instructional practices to actively engage students in diverse learning opportunities that require critical thinking and problem solving in real world contexts.
Students will acquire competencies necessary for 21st century living by developing skills in the areas of civic life, health, finance, technology and career readiness.