West Delaware CCSD
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West Delaware
County Community School District

middle school building

West Delaware Middle School


West Delaware Middle School

1101 Doctor St.
Manchester, Iowa 52057

Office Hours: 7:30 A.M.-4:00 P.M.
Phone: 563-927-3515
Press 2 for Middle School
Fax: 563-927-9115

Patrick Woods email icon
Activities Director

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West Delaware Middle School

Greetings Hawks,

It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year! I hope that you had a restful summer and are ready to start a new school year. I am extremely proud and excited to serve as the principal of West Delaware Middle School. We are looking forward to working with our students and families as we focus on continuous improvement in teaching and learning for all students at West Delaware Middle School. I am excited about what this new school year has to offer and look forward to working collectively with all of you.

A little bit about myself. I graduated from the University of Iowa with a BA in Secondary Education. I spent five years working at Des Moines East High School as a special education teacher and instructional coach. I then moved to Cedar Rapids and was a teacher and assistant principal at Prairie High School for the College Community School District. After five wonderful years at Prairie, I accepted the job as the principal of Anamosa High School. The last four years I have spent working as a consultant for Central Rivers and Keystone Area Education agencies. I live on Lake Delhi with my husband Brian and our two sons Nolan and Kellan.

I look forward to the start of a new school year and continuing the rich educational traditions here at West Delaware. Our focus is to provide effective and engaging educational experiences for all students in 5th through 8th grade. We will do this by creating a safe environment with trusting relationships while students develop problem solving and 21st century skills so they can demonstrate career readiness in the future.

As always, my door is alway open and our team here at WDMS welcomes your feedback. Please feel free to contact me via email at the address below or call to make an appointment to speak with me to discuss any ideas to make this the best year yet!

Go Hawks!

Jacqueline Lahey
West Delaware Middle School Principal

WDMS Offers

Welcome to West Delaware Middle School housing approximately 450 students in the 5th through 8th grade. We have a dedicated team of teachers and support staff, committed to providing a focus on relationships, challenging academics, and 21st century skills. Our staff and students value the support of families, the dedication of our volunteers, and the resources provided by our community.

We are very proud to be a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports) school. PBIS is a framework that is designed to enhance academic and social behavior outcomes for all students by (a) emphasizing the use of data for making decisions; and (b) organizing resources and systems to improve implementation (TA Center of Positive Behavior Supports).

It is our goal to provide a safe and effective learning environment that meets the needs of all middle school age students. These attributes include an education that is; (a) developmentally responsive, (b) challenging, (c) empowering, and (d) equitable.

WDMS Activities

Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Breakfast/Lunch menus are posted as pictures and may not be able to be read by screen readers. The Nutritional Info pages may work better.

West Delaware Vision


Multiple individuals at all levels demonstrate respect, trust, and integrity while working interdependently toward our goals.

Strategic Objectives

  • By supporting and teaching positive student behavior
  • By supporting and teaching appropriate social interactions
  • By enhancing adult to adult connections and communications

Challenging Academics

Educators use effective instructional practices to actively engage students in diverse learning opportunities that require critical thinking and problem solving in real world contexts.

Strategic Objectives

  • By deepening knowledge of instructional strategies
  • By intensifying active student engagement in rigorous and relevant content learning
  • By strengthening systems of teacher to teacher support, including Professional Learning Community, teacher leadership system, and multi-tiered systems of support

21st Century Skills

Students will acquire competencies necessary for 21st century living by developing skills in the areas of civic life, health, finance, technology and career readiness.

Strategic Objectives

  • By creating learning experiences in a real world context
  • By developing and applying career readiness skills